Monday, April 22, 2013

United Capitals of Europe (a unionist playlist, from Amsterdam to Warszawa)

These are hard times for the European dream, whatever it is. As usual, money is haunting people's lives and minds. Everybody speaks about debt, banks, finance. A lot of people is getting poor, a lot is getting angry, a lot is looking at the EU as a noxious burden. Northern people think mediterranean people are just fucking moneywasters. Mediterranean people think northern people are just trying to strangle them. All of their strategies sound quite selfish: each country thinks about itself. Let's say the sense of community is not very strong. And the happiness, of course, it flies away.

Now, this little playlist will not be capable to take it back. And it won't certainly solve euro problems with a kind of musical magic. It's just a little game, digging the Spotify catalogue for some hidden gold. You want a slogan? Uhm... let me think... capitals are better than capital?

A bit of legenda & additional infos:
- The 27 cities are the capital cities of the 27 member states of the European Union;
- If possible, I favourited songs titled with the city-name only;
- If possible (2), I favourited the original local city-name (i.e. Lisboa > Lisbon)
- If possible (3), I favourited songs by local artists (Roma by an Italian singer, Paris by a French chanteuse, Bucharest by a Romanian hip hop band...);
- If possible (4), I favourited European artists;
- When I did like a song, it happened I broke one or any of the previous "if possible" rules;
- Even if my DNA is dominated by rock, I tried to keep the playlist as varied as I could (indie, pop, hip hop, music from now, something from yesterday);
- A big goodbye to Spanish actress and singer Sara Montiel, who died just few days ago in Madrid;

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